
2022 / 09 / 07 (水)

Dr. Naphtali Meshel's Tokyo College Lecture/Symposium on "The Ritual Environment"

Dr. Naphtali Meshel, a visiting fellow at RCAST of the University of Tokyo, who is invited by the JSPS Invitational Fellow for Research in Japan, is going to deliver an online lecture at a webinar organized by Tokyo College, the Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Tokyo, on October 6.

After the Dr. Meshel's keynote lecture,  a symposium will be held inviting two scholars specialized in environmental and anthropological studies from the University of Tokyo, Dr. FUKUNAGA Mayumi (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo) and Dr. NAKAMURA Sae (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo).

Dr. Meshel's colleagues including Prof. Yael Mishael (The Hebrew Univerisity of Jerusalem, the Faculty of Agriculture Food and Environment) and Dr Hillel Mali (New York University, School of Law) are invited to join from Jerusalem and New York to make this occasion a true symposion a free-style interdisciplinary discussion.

A Lecture and Symposium “The Ritual Environment” by Dr. Naphtali MESHEL

Date(s) Thursday, 6 October 2022 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm JST
Venue: Zoom Webinar

For details and registrations, see Tokyo College Website



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