Satoshi Ikeuchi is Professor of the Division of Religion and Global Security at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) of the University of Tokyo. He is the founding head of the RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies (ROLES).
For the year 2022-2023, he is Senior Visiting Scholar in Residence at the Moshe Dayan Center (MDC) for Middle Eastern and African Studies of Tel Aviv University.
He is a scholar on Islamic political thought and the Middle East politics. As a leading public intellectual in Japan, he has been vigorously publishing on the Middle East and Islamic affairs.
His first publication based on his doctoral studies, Gendai Arabu-no Shakai Shiso: Shumatsuron-to Isramu-shugi (Contemporary Arab Social Thought: Eschatology and Islamism), was published in 2002 and earned Osaragi Jiro Prize for Critical Works. He also earned Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities in 2009 for his book Islamu Sekai-no Ronjikata (Methods of Discussing Islam).
His book on the Islamic State Isulamu Koku no Shogeki (The Impact of the Islamic State) published in January 2015 was a nation-wide best seller in Japan and awarded Mainichi Publishing Cultural Prize. His recent publication includes Saikusu Piko Kyotei: Hyakunen no Jubaku (Sykes-Picot Agreement: One Hundred Years of Obsession) in 2016 and Shiiaha to Sunniha (Shite and Sunnite) in 2018 both published from Shinchosha. He is the recipient of the 12th Nakasone Yasuhiro Prize in 2016 for his academic works and social engagements.
His collection of literary essays and book reviews Shomotsu not Unmei (The Fate of Books) published in 2006 and earned Mainichi Book Review Award for the year.
He was a visiting professor at the Alexandria University 2007-2008, Japan Scholar chair visiting scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in 2009 and Visiting Fellow at the Clare Hall, University of Cambridge in 2010.
He specializes in Middle East politics and Arab-Islamic Thought, particularly on global Jihadism and its implications for international security.

Specialised in comparative politics (party politics and elections, nationalism and ethnic issues).
Obtained PhD in 2012. He worked as an assistant at Waseda University, a JSPS Research Fellow, an assistant professor at Rikkyo University and associate professor at the Department of Policy Studies, The University of Kitakyushu before assuming his current position on April 1, 2024.

Areas of Expertise:
Russian Military Thought
Russian National Security Policy
Politics and International Relations of the Former Soviet Republics
Defence Technologies
Previously, Yu has held various positions, including Assistant Analyst at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Research Fellow at Institute for Future Engineering (IFENG), Research Fellow at the National Diet Library, and also a visiting researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAN).
His publication in Japanese includes (in English translation titles): Russian MIlitary Strategy Today, 2021; The War in Ukraine, 2022; Okhotsk Nuclear Bastion, 2024.
His book "Teikoku" Roshia no Chiseigaku (Geopolitics of Russian "Empire") published in 2019 was awarded Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities in that year.
Yu has presented and published extensively on national security policies and strategies of Russia and the former Soviet republics, as well as defense technologies.
Yu holds a BA in Social Sciences and a MA in Political Science from Waseda University.


Wakako ITO, Ph.D.

Yoshihisa NISHIYAMA, Ph.D.
Russian politics, historical awareness, nationalism
After working as a part-time lecturer at Chikushi Jogakuen University, The University of Kitakyushu and University of Nagasaki, he became a specially-appointed assistant professor at Hokkaido University's Organisation for International Cooperation before assuming his current position.

Amane TANAKA is a Project Researcher at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), the University of Tokyo.
His research interests include Contemporary Chinese Politics and China-Central Asia relations. He is a co-editor of Changing Politics and Social Groups in China: The Challenges of Transition (2013, in Japanese) and Chinese Muslims Area Studies (2012, in Japanese). In addition, he has published articles on China-Central Asia relations through the lens of the security-development nexus, China’s state-building processes under the CCP rule, and regional autonomy in Xinjiang in the 1950s.

Ichiro KAJI, Ph.D.
Ichiro Kaji is a Project Researcher of Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), the University of Tokyo.
His research focuses on the provisions of the Japan-US Security Treaty, especially Article X which defines the duration of the treaty. He is currently building an online database of historical records of Japan-US relations on ROLES website.
He obtained his Ph.D. in Law and Politics from Osaka University in 2021. He was a Specially Appointed Fellow at Center for the Study of Co*Design, Osaka University(2018-2021).
Ph.D. (March 2021, Osaka University)
Professional Experience
Apr, 2021 - : Project Researcher, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Apr, 2021 - Mar, 2023: Invited Researcher, Center for Co-Design, Osaka University
Jun, 2018 - Mar, 2021: Project Researcher, Center for Co-Design, Osaka University


Working Group 2 on Middle Eastern and Islamic Alternatives (Coordinator)
Professional Experience
2024 - : Project Researcher, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
2024 - : Part-Time Lecturer, School of Global Studies, Tama University
2020 - 2023: Part-Time Lecturer, School of Global Studies, Tama University
2018 - 2020: Other, School of Global Studies, Tama University


Ryoya ISHIMOTO is a Project Researcher at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo.
His research interests are International Relations, especially American diplomatic history, international security, and the history of U.S.-Japan security relations.
He holds a Ph.D. from Doshisha University, Japan.

Nozomi KANO

Working Group 2 on Middle Eastern and Islamic Alternatives
Twitter: @toyodadesuyo

Guibourg Delamotte
Professor of Political Science at the French Institute of Oriental Studies (Inalco)
Areas of Expertise:
Security and International Relations in Asia
Japanese Foreign and Defense Policies
Japanese Internal Politics and Political System
Guibourg was a Visiting Associate Professor at the Tokyo College of the University of Tokyo, from October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022. Her in-person stay in Tokyo was from July to August 2022 and she gave an intensive lecture course at the Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP) of the University of Tokyo in early August.
Guibourg was Visiting Fellow of the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) of the University of Tokyo during her visit to Tokyo and participated in research activities and education at the Division of Religion and Global Security of RCAST and in particular ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies).
In 2023, now a Full Professor at Inalco, she is invited as Visiting Senior Research Fellow of RCAST and Associate Research Fellow of Tokyo College.
Her latest books are:
Le Japon, un leader discret - Eyrolles, 2023.
La Democratie au Japon, singuliere et universelle - ENS Ed. 2022.
The Abe Legacy. How Japan has been shaped by Abe Shinzo (coed. J. Brown, R. Dujarric) - Lexington, 2021.
Geopolitique et geoeconomie du monde contemporain. Puissance et conflits (coed. C. Tellenne) - La Decouverte, 2021.

Associate Professor, Center for the Study of Co* Design, Osaka University
Dr. Toshiya Tsujita is Associate Professor, Center for the Study of Co* Design, Osaka University, concurrently a Visiting Senior Fellow at RCAST.
He was a Project Research Associate/Adjunct Assistant Professor at the RCAST of the University of Tokyo from 2021-2022, working for ROLES, particularly on projects regarding Israel and the international security in the Middle East.

Christopher LAMONT
Assistant Dean of E-Track Programs and Professor, Institute for International Strategy, Tokyo International University
Christopher Lamont is Assistant Dean of E-Track Programs and Professor of International Relations. Previously, he held a tenured position at the University of Groningen, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Ulster. He was also previously a Fulbright scholar at the University of Zagreb in Croatia. He holds a PhD from the University of Glasgow and has published widely on human rights and transitional justice. His recent publications have appeared in the Journal of Democracy, the International Journal of Human Rights, Global Policy, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, and Human Rights Review. He also co-edited, New Crifical Spaces in Transitional Justice (with Arnaud Kurze, Indiana University Press, 2019) and is the author of two research methods textbooks, Research Methods in International Relations (Sage 2015, second edition 2021), and Research Methods in Politics and International Relations (with Mieczyslaw Boduszyński, Sage 2020). In addition to his scholarly work, his writings have also appeared in Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs, and the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage.

JHOU Jyun-Yu
Assitant Professer at the National Chengchi University of Taiwan
Project Researcher of RCAST of the University of Tokyo (October 2020-June 2021)

Shaun Ketch, Ph.D.
15+ years of international government, military, and industry consulting experience, with engagement experience in defense and national security policy analysis, anti-money laundering and economic sanctions compliance, cybersecurity resilience and strategy, emergency management, international development programming design, political and economic risk analysis, and speechwriting and communications. Master’s degrees in Public Policy from The University of Tokyo, and in Public Administration from Columbia University in the City of New York. Ph.D. in International Public Policy from The University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Public Policy, with a research focus on international security and economic statecraft.


Former Project Assistant Professor/Project Research Associate (Aug. 2021-Aug. 2024)
His areas of specializations are Asian Politics and International Relations, Strategy and Defense, Transport Security
Working Group 4 on the Emerging Issues in Security Studies
Working Group 5 on Indo-Pacific Transport Security (Chair)
Ryo HINATA-YAMAGUCHI is a Project Assistant Professor at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo; Senior Non-Resident Fellow at the Atlantic Council Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security Indo-Pacific Security Initiative; and Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Pacific Forum. Ryo has presented, published, and consulted on a variety of topics relating to defense and security, and transport governance in the Indo-Pacific. Ryo previously served as a Non-Commissioned Officer in the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (reserve) and also held positions at the Pusan National University, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, FM Bird Entertainment Agency, International Crisis Group Seoul Office, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Embassy of Japan in Australia, and the Japan Foundation Sydney Language Centre. Ryo received his PhD from the University of New South Wales, MA in Strategic and Defense Studies and BA in Security Analysis from the Australian National University and was also a Korea Foundation Language Training Fellow.
Twitter: @tigerrhy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tigerrhy/
Blog (Japanese): https://note.com/tigerrhy/

Yuma Tanaka was a Project Researcher at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology’s Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies (ROLES), the University of Tokyo. Before joining ROLES, Yuma was an Attaché for the Political Section at the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine. He was also previously a Project Officer for the East/Central Asia and Caucasus Department at Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). He also worked as an Attaché for the Economy and Economic Cooperation Section at the Embassy of Japan in Kazakhstan through 2017 to 2020. Yuma holds a M.A. from the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Humanity and Sociology, and a B.A. from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Kazumasa, HAYAMARU, Ph.D.

立田由紀恵/Yukie TATTA
ボスニアの宗教と民族間関係 宗教学
Specially Appointed Researcher
2024年 - :東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター 特任研究員
2024年 - :多摩大学 グローバルスタディーズ学部 非常勤講師
2020年 - 2023年:多摩大学 グローバルスタディーズ学部 非常勤講師
2018年 - 2020年:多摩大学 グローバルスタディーズ学部



Katsuhisa FURUKAWA