Yoshihiro INABA

Doctoral student, Senshu University Graduate School

Yoshihiro Inaba is a doctoral student at Senshu University Graduate School, studying Japanese defense legislation and international law related to the use of force (jus ad bellum). He is also a freelance military writer, covering the JSDF, US Navy, Royal Canadian Navy, and other national militaries, as well as defense-related companies in Japan and abroad. He has contributed articles to Japanese military magazines and is the first Japanese contributor to Naval News, a France-based web media specializing in naval affairs.

Research interests: international law (jus ad bellum), Japanese security legislation, naval topics


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Single Author

『「戦争」は許されるのか? 国際法で読み解く武力行使のルール』(イカロス出版、2022)

『ここまでできる自衛隊: 国際法・憲法・自衛隊法ではこうなっている』(秀和システム社、2020年)