Senior Researcher, Area Studies Department, The National Institute for Defense Studies

Shinji YAMAGUCHI is a Senior Research Fellow in the Regional Studies Department of the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Ministry of Defense, Japan, located in Tokyo, and was a Visiting Scholar at Sigur Center for Asian Studies of George Washington University. He specializes in Chinese politics, China’s security policy, and contemporary Chinese history. He earned his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from Keio University. His publications include “Strategies of China’s Maritime Actors in the South China Sea: A Coordinated Plan under the Leadership of Xi Jinping?” China Perspective, 2016 No.3, (October 2016), pp.23-31; Mou Takuto no Kyokoku ka Senryaku (Mao’s Grand Strategy to Build Strong Country) (Keio University Press, 2021, winner of the 34th Mainichi Shimbun Asia Pacific Grand Prix Award). He is a co-author of the NIDS China Security Report 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2023.


Working Group

Single Author

Partial Contribution

Yamaguchi, Shinji. "China's Air and Maritime ISR in Coastal Defense and Near Seas Operations" In The PLA beyond Borders: Chinese Military Operations in Regional and Global Context, edited by Joel Wuthnow, Arthur Ding, Phillip Saunders, Andrew Scobell, and Andrew N.D. Yang eds., 127-150. Washington D.C.: National Defense University Press, 2021.


Yamaguchi, Shinji. "New Evidence on Hu Yaobang’s Fall and Japan-China Relations in the 1980s: Prime Minister Nakasone Yasuhiro’s Visit to China, 1986" Sources and Methods, Wilson Center, February 16, 2021. 

Yamaguchi, Shinji. "The Continuity and Changes in China's Perception of the International Order" NIDS Journal of Defense and Security, No.17 (December 2016):63-82.

Yamaguchi, Shinji. “Strategies of China’s Maritime Actors in the South China Sea.” China Perspectives 2016, no. 3 (September 2016): 23–31. 

Yamaguchi, Shinji. "Is China's Social Unrest the Source of Its Foreign Policy? A Preliminary Study on the Impact of Domestic Instability on External Relations" NIDS Journal of Defense and Security, No.14 (December 2013):19-34.

Social Publications

Yamaguchi, Shinji. “RUSIウェビナー" CAPS-RAND-NDU PLA Conference 2021.

Yamaguchi, Shinji. China’s Air and Maritime ISR in Coastal Defense and Near Sea Operations" CAPS-RAND-NDU 30th PLA Conference, Taipei, Nov. 16, 2019.

Yamaguchi, Shinji. “PLA Reforms: Implications for Japan and Potential Responses “CAPS-CSS-NDU-RAND 28th International Conference on PLA Affairs, Taipei, Nov. 18, 2017.

Yamaguchi, Shinji. “Xi Jinping's Military Reform and Party-Military Relations in China" JAIR Annual Convention 2016, Tokyo, October 14, 2016.

Yamaguchi, Shinji. "Strategies of China's Maritime Actors in the South China Sea: A Coordinated Plan under the Leadership of the CCP?" French Centre for Research on Contemporary China and Hong Kong Baptist University, Department of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong, June, 2015.

Yamaguchi, Shinji. "China's Maritime Strategy under Xi Jinping" Luncheon Seminar at University Service Center for China Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, March, 2015.

Yamaguchi, Shinji. Co-Authored paper with Philip Saunders (INSS) "China's Maritime Policy" CAPS-RAND-NDU 26th annual PLA conference, Virginia, November, 2014.

Yamaguchi, Shinji. "Xi Jinping's Foreign Policy and Japan-China Relations" Science-Po conference on China's power politics and maritime expansionism, Paris, September, 2014.

Yamaguchi, Shinji. "Japan's View of Sino-Japanese Relations" Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong Political Science Association, Hong Kong, March, 2013.

Yamaguchi, Shinji. "China's Maritime Security: From a Japanese Perspective" French Centre for Research on Contemporary China, Hong Kong, March, 2012.