Professor at RCAST, University of Tokyo
Single Author
Satoshi Ikeuchi. 2006. "Shomotsu no Unmei (The Fate of Books)". Bungeishunju.
Satoshi Ikeuchi. 2002. "Gendai Arabu-no Shakai Shiso: Shumatsuron-to Isramu-shugi (Contemporary Arab Social Thought: Eschatology and Islamism)". Kodansha.Ikeuchi S., ed. "The Middle East Turmoil And Japanese Response : For a Sustainable Regional Peacekeeping System". IDE-JETRO, 2013.
Satoshi IKEUCHI. “The Influence of Digital Transformation on the Authoritative Interpretation of Islamic Law : An Essay on the Conditions Accelorating the Recent Proliferation of Radicalism.” The Religious law 37 (2018): 51-60.
Satoshi IKEUCHI. “Islam in the Arab World” as a crucial issue in the Post-Cold War global intellectual history.” ANNALS OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF SOCIAL THOUGHT 42 (2018): 9-19.