"한·미 간 에너지-기후기술 협력의 가능성 진단: 원자력과 배터리를 중심으로(Assessing the Potential for Energy and Climate Technology Cooperation between Korea and the United States)," 입법과 정책(Legislation and Policy Studies) 15 (2), 143-167.
"우크라이나 전쟁과 러-일 간 에너지 관계: 사할린 프로젝트 사례를 중심으로(The War in Ukraine and Russo-Japanese Energy Relations: Focusing on the Case of the Sakhalin Project)," 일본비평(Korean Journal of Japanese Studies) 29, 274-301.
"미·중·러 삼극체제와 인도-태평양 지역의 에너지 안보 − 천연가스와 원자력을 중심으로(U.S.-China-Russia Tripolarity and Energy Security in the Indo-Pacific: Focusing on Natural Gas)" 동서연구(East and West Studies) 35 (1), 59-84.
"A comparative study of power mixes for green growth: How South Korea and Japan see nuclear energy differently," Energies 14 (18), 5681.
"Characterizing Japan’s Current Diplomacy under Abe" The Korean Journal of Security Affairs 24 (2), 96-119.
"South Korea’s Democracy 3.0 and Implications for Its Foreign Relations," Asianism and Universalism: The Evolution of Norms and Power in Modern Asia, Feb. 1, 2019, pp. 15-20.