2024.06.05 (Wed.)


International Seminar: Diplomatic Protocols of Middle Eastern Royal Houses and Japan

Japan-Turkey 100th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Official Project

"International Seminar Series “Architecture and Diplomacy”
4th edition:

Diplomatic Protocols of the Middle Eastern Royal Houses and Japan: Diplomatic Gifts and Their Representations in Architectural Space

Date and time : June 5, 2024 14:00-17:00
Venue: ENEOS Hall, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST)  of the University of Tokyo (Komaba II Campus)
Language: English and Japanese (Simultaneous Interpretation is provided) 

Co-organized by:
RCAST Open Laboratory for Emegegence Strategies of the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo 
Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture 
NIHU International Collaborative Research on "Early Diplomatic Japanese Collections Abroad" 

Introduction: Prof. Satoshi Ikeuchi (RCAST The University of Tokyo)
"Forgotten Aspect of Japan-Middle East Diplomatic History – Protocols and Social life in the Royal Diplomacy"

【Keynote Speech】
Prince Abbas Hilmi "Prince Mohamed Ali Tawfik and the Manial Palace"
(40 minutes)

【Discussion】Prince Abbas Hilmi and Dr. Miyuki Aoki Girardelli
"Manial Palace and Royal Diplomacy between Japan and Egypt: Cases of Prince Muhammad Ali Tawfiq's Japan Tour (1906) and Crown Prince Hirohito's Sojourn in Egypt (1921)" (20 minutes)

Prof. Dr. Kaori Hidaka (National Museum of Japanese History) "Gifts of the Diplomatic Missions of the Terminal Stage of Edo Period (Bakumatsu)”
(20 minutes)
Mr. Takashi Okamoto (Sanno-Maru Shozo-kan / The Museum of the Imperial Collections) "Foreign Gifts in the Collections of the Imperial Palace Sanno Maru-shozo-kan”
(20 minutes)

Dr. Miyuki Aoki Girardelli (Istanbul Technical University) "Japanese Diplomatic Gifts in the Ottoman Court Collection"
(20 minutes)

【General Discussion and Conclusion】
Moderator: Prof. Satoshi Ikeuchi


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