The Development of Legal Reforms and Comparative Legal Studies in Mongolia. Mongolian National Legal Center, 2004, 71–74. Contribution: "Foreign Constitution Translation Project and Historical Materials Related to the Drafting of the 1924 Constitution." (In Mongolian)
Ayukyo, Masanori, ed. Asia Law Guidebook. Nagoya University Press, 2009. Contribution: Chapter 4, “Mongolia.” (In Japanese)
"The Development of Pastureland Ownership Rights under the Mongolian Land Law." Social Systems and Law, no. 10 (2009): 14–26. (In Japanese)
Nakamura, Masaki. "Conference Review: International Symposium on 'Land Law System Issues in Mongolia.'" Inner Asia 7, no. 2 (2005): 270–272. Published by the Mongolia & Inner Asia Studies Unit, University of Cambridge.
Masaki Nakamura, “Conference Review, International symposium on ‘Land Law System Issues in Mongolia’ ”, Inner Asia, Volume 7, 2005, Number 2, Mongolia & Inner Asia Studies Unit, University of Cambridge, pp270-272.
2007年 名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科・博士後期課程 満期退学
2001年 モンゴル国立大学法学部 留学
1996年 名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科・博士前期課程 修了
1993年 早稲田大学教育学部・地理歴史専修 卒業
2017年 名古屋経済大学経営学部・ 教授、犬山学研究センター長
2015年 名古屋経済大学経営学部・准教授
2013年 名古屋大学PhD登龍門推進室・特任准教授
2010年 名古屋経済大学・非常勤講師、名古屋外国語大学・非常勤講師
2008年 名古屋大学大学院法学研究科・特任講師
2007年 名古屋大学大学院法学研究科・専任講師
2005年 ロシア・サンクト・ペテルブルグ国立大学東洋学部・客員研究員
2017: Professor at the Department of Business, Nagoya University of Economics; Director of the Inuyama Studies Research Center
2015: Associate Professor at the Department of Business, Nagoya University of Economics
2013: Specially Appointed Associate Professor at the PhD Advancement Promotion Office, Nagoya University
2010: Part-time Lecturer at Nagoya University of Economics and Part-time Lecturer at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
2008: Specially Appointed Lecturer at the Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University
2007: Full-time Lecturer at the Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University
2007: Withdrew upon completion of coursework from the Doctoral Program at the Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University
2005: Visiting Researcher at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg University, Russia
2001: Studied at the Faculty of Law, National University of Mongolia
1996: Completed Master’s Program at the Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University
1993: Graduated from the Department of Geography and History, School of Education, Waseda University