2021.02.12 (Fri.)


Strategic Rivalry in the East Mediterranean Sea: RCAST Security Webinar Series #2

ROLES-IGSDA Joint Seminars/Webinars
RCAST is pleased to announce the second RCAST Security Webinar on “Strategic Rivalry in the East Mediterranean Sea.”

This online seminar is jointly organized by ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies) and IGSDA (Institute for Global Security and Defense Affairs, Abu Dhabi and Cairo) as part of a series of seminars collectively titled “Geopolitical Dynamism in the Wider Middle East Region.”

Three distinguished speakers will present about the multifaceted rivalry in the East Mediterranean Sea.
A group of Japanese scholars on the Middle East and North Africa will join discussions.

The discussion will be open to invitees and a limited member of public. Presentations and discussions are held in English and no interpretations are provided.

RCAST Security Webinar Series #2
Strategic Rivalry in the East Mediterranean Sea
February 12, 2021 15:00 - 17:00 (Japan Time)

Speakers and presentation titles
(1) Dr Umberto Profazio, Maghreb Analyst at the NATO Defense College Foundation and Associate Fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
“Libyan Civil War and Competing Interventions in the East Mediterranean Sea”

(2) Col. (GS) Eric Michiels, Defense Attaché of Belgium, NATO and EU to GCC countries, Abu Dhabi
“European Interests and Involvements in the East Mediterranean Sea" (tentative)

(3) MG (Rtd) Dr. Sayed Ghoneim, Senior Strategist and Chairman, Institute of Global Security and Defense Affairs (IGSDA)
"Turkey, Israel and Egypt: Regional Powers Rivalry in the East Mediterranean Sea" (tentative)

Moderator: Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor of Religion and Global Security, RCAST, the University of Tokyo and Head of the ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies)

This seminar is jointly organized by ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies) of the University of Tokyo and IGSDA (Institute for Global Security and Defense Studies).

This is part of the RCAST Security Webinar series supported by RCAST, the University of Tokyo.

This is partially funded by the research project “Japan’s Choices in the Era of Inter-Regime Competition: Policy Proposals and Information Sharing based on Long-term Scenario Planning in Search for the Proactive Role in the Emergence of the New International Order” funded by MOFA of Japan’s research grant.

Categories: Open to members of The University of Tokyo and to Invitees

Registration site: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0sduyqqDMqHtJYHAVFAqjchX0jKkosim2c

For enquiries: office@me.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp

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