2021.03.04 (木)


イスラエル・ウィーク | Israel Week Online International Symposium #5: デジタルトランスフォーメーションと重要・新興技術に関するセキュリティリスク

This symposium is the fifth event of the "Israel Week @UTokyo Komaba Research Campus" which is held during the week of March 1-5, 2021.

* Date: Thursday, March 4, 2021, 16:00-18:00 JST (9:00-11:00 IST (UTC+2))
* Venue: Online via Zoom (URL will be sent to registered participants)
* Language: English / Japanese simultaneous interpretation will be provided
* Registration: No charge. Advance registration required

Managing Security Risks of Digital Transformation and Emerging Technologies
While the digital transformation presents a variety of opportunities for governments and organizations today, it also brings numerous security challenges. This symposium, featuring distinguished experts from Israel and Japan, will focus on how to identify and manage security risks of digital transformation, and critical and emerging technologies (C&ET). It will discuss how to assess cyber threats and develop a comprehensive cybersecurity policy, and will address the lessons can we learn from the Israeli case and others, including future cybersecurity challenges and opportunities, and some ideas for fostering international collaboration.

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Dr Lior Tabansky, Head of Research Development, Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center, Tel Aviv University

Brig. Gen. (Res.) Rami Efrati, Israel Defense Forces, Former Head of the Civilian Division, Israel National Cyber Bureau Prime Minister’s Office

Professor Motohiro Tsuchiya, Dean of the Faculty of Policy Management, Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University

Professor Nobumasa Akiyama, Graduate School of Law, School of International and Public Policy, Hitotsubashi University

Moderator: Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor of Religion and Global Security and Head of the ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies), the University of Tokyo

About the Speakers
Dr Lior Tabansky
Dr Lior Tabansky offers a unique cybersecurity grasp, combining academic research in Security Studies, 15 years of IT-pro work and business experience in formulating state-grade cyber strategies​. Dr Tabansky conducts three research projects in ​Tel Aviv University’s Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center and serves as the academic director of the Executive Training Programme “Effective Cybersecurity - Learning from the Israeli Experience”. “Cybersecurity in Israel”, Lior's 2015 book co-authored with Professor Isaac Ben-Israel, is the first comprehensive “insider” account of decades of Israeli policy and operations​.
Brig. Gen. (Res.) Rami Efrati
Brig. Gen. (Res.) Rami Efrati is an expert in cyber strategy methods and has many years of experience with anti-terrorism and intelligence technology. He has served in the Israel Defense Forces for more than twenty-eight years and he received the Creative Thinking Award from the Director of Military Intelligence. He is one of the founding members and former Head of the Civilian Division of the Israel National Cyber Bureau in the Prime Minister's Office. Mr Efrati is currently involved in international-level strategic projects for cybersecurity and innovation.
Dr Motohiro Tsuchiya
Dr Motohiro Tsuchiya is Dean of Faculty of Policy Management and a professor of Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University in Japan. He is interested in the impact of the information revolution on international relations; global governance and information technologies; and cyber security. He authored Cyber Terror (Tokyo: Bungeishunju, 2012, in Japanese), Cyber Security and International Relations (Tokyo: Chikura Shobo, 2015, in Japanese), and co-authored more than 20 books including Information Governance in Japan: Towards a New Comparative Paradigm (SVNJ eBook series, Kindle Edition, 2016). His latest book is Cyber Great Game: Geopolitics of Politics, Economy, Technology and Data (Chikura Shobo, 2020). 

Dr Nobumasa Akiyama
Dr Nobumasa Akiyama is a professor at the Graduate School of Law and the School of International and Public Policy at Hitotsubashi University in Japan. Professor Akiyama has published extensively and presented papers at various conferences on nonproliferation, arms control, Japan’s national security, and nuclear energy. Between 2016 and 2018, he served as Minister-Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna, with nuclear security in his portfolio. He is also currently serving as a member of the Public Security Examination Commission of the Government of Japan.
Moderator: Satoshi Ikeuchi
Satoshi Ikeuchi is the Professor of Religion and Global Security and the Head of ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies) at the University of Tokyo. Professor Ikeuchi has published extensively on Middle East politics, Islamic Political issues, and global security challenges.
This event is organized by ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies) of the UTokyo-RCAST in cooperation with JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19H00578 (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A): "Emerging technologies and international order: Evolution of state's power, authority, and ethics brought by innovation," (Nobumasa Akiyama, Hitotsubashi University).

This event is part of a research project funded by a research grant by MOFA of Japan.

“Israel Week @UTokyo Komaba Research Campus” consists of a  series of webinars on the recent trends and developments in Israel and its impact on Japan-Israel relations. The webinars in this framework will cover a broad range of topics, including the recent normalization of relations between Israel and Arab countries,  security risks of digital transformation, policy responses to COVID-19 and the digital healthcare ecosystem, STEM education, Science & Design, and the comparative study of the Abrahamic religions.
It aims to provide an international forum for the exchange of ideas and inspiration from researchers and experts across different fields, and to seek opportunities for collaboration among the participants from academia, NPOs, industry, and the public sector. 

"Israel Week @UTokyo Komaba Research Campus" is organized by ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies) in cooperation with IIS (the Institute for Industrial Science) of the University of Tokyo and supported by the Embassy of Israel in Japan.

Contact Information
Division of Religion and Global Security (Ikeuchi Laboratory) of RCAST, the University of Tokyo
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