2023.01.07 (Sat.)


RCAST Security Seminar "From Diaspora to a Sovereign Nation" by Prof. Shain

RCAST Security Seminar/Webinar
RCAST Security Seminar
"From Diaspora to a Sovereign Nation: the Impact of the Jewish State on the Jewishness"

What was the impact of the establishment of the State of Israel on the Jewish nation and its society? How and to what extent does the consolidation of Jewish State in the Middle East changed the jewish society in domestic and international sphere as well?

Prof. Yossi Shain, Professor Emeritus of Tel Aviv University, a leading political science scholar on the extraordinary situation such as diaspora nation in politics, governments in exile and states without governments, will take up the issue of the consequences of the Jewish State. 

Prof. Shain will give a talk  to the audience at the RCAST of the University,on the issue of the consolidation of Israel and its implications in the national and international sphears, based on his recent book "The Israeli Century: How the Zionist Revolution Changed History and Reinvented Judaism" a nation-wide best-selling book in Israel and translated into English.

Date: January 7, 2023
Time: 14:00-15:30
Venue: RCAST Building 3, M2F floor, Seminar Room-1 Campus Access Map
Language: English
Audience: General Public
Registration: https://forms.gle/LxavauFzPj8oVUVW6

13:45- Registration

Special Lecture  "From Diaspora to a Sovereign Nation: the Impact of the Jewish State on the Jewishness"
Speaker: Prof. Yossi Shain (Tel Aviv University/Georgetown University)

14:40-15:00 Comments and Discussion
Discussant: Prof. Satoshi Ikeuchi (RCAST of the University of Tokyo)

15:00-15:30 Q & ADiscussion

[Speaker's Bio]
Yossi Shain is Professor Emeritus of the Romulo Betancourt Professor of Political Science at Tel Aviv University where he served as head of TAU's School of Political Science, Government and International Affairs, head of the Abba Eban Graduate Studies Program in Diplomacy and director of the Frances Brody Institute for Applied Diplomacy. He is also Professor Emeritus of Government at Georgetown University where he was the founding director of the Program for Jewish Civilization (PJC). 

He served as a member of the Knesset for Yisrael Beiteinu from 2019-2021. 

This seminar is part of the RCAST Security Seminar series incooperation with the working Group 2 on Middle Eastern and Islamic Alternatives within the project of "Japan’s Choices in the Era of Inter-Regime Competition: Policy Proposals and Information Sharing based on Long-term Scenario Planning in Search for the Proactive Role in the Emergence of the New International Order” which is supported by the research grants for diplomacy and security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan starting from 2020-2023.


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