[i] BRELL離脱と欧州周波数同期に関しては以下も参照のことLaura Tatarėlytė, 2025 “The era of Russian energy manipulations is over” Freidrich Nauman Foundation, 07.02.2025; Helmane, Inese (2023) “Ko nozīmē Baltijas valstu elektroapgādes sistēmas sinhronizācija ar Eiropas tīklu,” lvportals.lv, 05. septembrī, 2023. [ii] Ex. Grigas, Agnia 2013 The Politics of Energy and Memory between the Baltic States and Russia, Ashgate; Balmaceda Margarita 2013 The Politics of Energy Dependency: Ukraine, elarus, and Lithuania between Domestic Oligarchs and Russian Pressure, University of Toronto Press; Kalis, Michael ed. 2024 The Energy Trilemma in the Baltic Sea Region Security, Equity and the Environment, Routledge. [iii] Ex. Whist, Bendik S. (2008) “Nord Stream: Not Just a Pipeline. An Analysis of the Political Debates in the Baltic Sea Region Regarding the Planned Gas Pipeline from Russia to Germany” FNI Report 15/2008, 1-77; Quirico, Monica (2024) “The Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region: Environmental Challenges and the Controversy over Nord Stream 2” Baltic World, 17(3): 131-141. [iv] Jermalavičius, Tomas et al. (2022) Developing Nuclear Energy in Estonia: An Amplifier of Strategic Partnership with the United States? International Centre for Defense and Security. [v] Karnau, Andrus (2025) “Taavi Veskimägi: kõige tähtsam oli elektrivõrgu lahutamisel poliitiline toetus” Postimees, 8. veebruar 2025, 13:37. [vi] Grigas 2013 op.cit. [vii] Ex. ERR (2025) “Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania disconnected from Russian power grid” ERR.ee, 08.02.2025 16:49; LRP (2025) Nausėda telefonu: goodbye Russia, goodbye Lenin, Delfi.lt 2025.02.10 12:06 [viii]欧州委員会による公式動画:European Comission (2025) “"Today, history is made." President von der Leyen on the synchronisation of the Baltic energy grids” Youtube.com Streamed live on Feb 9, 2025 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pBle1NsEzI]; “Baltic Energy Independence Day” Youtube.com, Streamed live on Feb 10, 2025. ただしどちらも途中で途切れている。 [ix]筆者は直接目にしていないが,リトアニアについては首都中心部に近いエネルギー博物館の近くなどで,いくつかオブジェや看板類の展示があったようである。余談だが,ラトビアでは,路上でも見える祝祭という意味では,ラトビア発アニメーション映画Straumeの受賞・オスカーノミネートを称賛する展示やオブジェの方が目立った。 [x] Fridrihsone, Madara (2025) “Vēja parku haoss, «rupjmaizes līmenītis» un neesošie starpsavienojumi: būtiskākais diskusijā par enerģētikas stratēģiju” Kas notiek Latvijā? LSM.lv, 16. februāris, 13:30. [xi]例えばエストニアやラトビアのファクトチェック機関の報道として,Propastop (2025) “Baltics Cut the Cord: Russia Reacts to BRELL Exit” Propastop.org 11. Feb 2025; Siliņš, Ronalds , Annija Petrova, Re:Baltica/Re:Check “Latvija varētu saražot visu elektrību, bet tas būtu dārgi” re:baltica, 11. februāris, 2025. [xii] Kovacs, Robert (2024) “EstLink 2 failure: no effect on security of supply but prices” CEEnergy News, December 30, 2024; ERR (2024) Electricity sellers: Broken undersea cable will lead to higher prices, ERR.ee, 31.12.2024 00:42; Baltic Wind (2025) Damage to EstLink 2 cable raises energy prices in Baltic countries, balticwind.eu, January 3rd, 2025. [xiii] 900 Sekundes (2025) Aptauja: Puse iedzīvotāju pozitīvi vērtē atvienošanos no Krievijas energosistēmas, TV3, 6. februārī 7:46, available at https://zinas.tv3.lv/aptaujas/aptauja-puse-iedzivotaju-pozitivi-verte-atvienosanos-no-krievijas-energosistemas/ [xiv] ; Trakimavičius, Lukas (2021) The Hidden Threat to Baltic Undersea Power Cables, NATO ENSEC COE; Nakamura, Hotaka (2023) The Enemy Below: Fighting against Russia’s Hybrid Underwater Warfare” Center for Martitime Strategy, June 29, 2023; Loik, Ramon (2024) “Undersea Hybrid Threats in Strategic Competition: The Emerging Domain of NATO–EU Defense Cooperation” Journal of Baltic Security, 10(2): 1-25. [xv] BNS (2025) “Lithuania’s Navy steps up NordBalt cable protection amid reports of damage attempts,” LRT.lt, 2025.01.14 09:20, available at https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/2459548/lithuania-s-navy-steps-up-nordbalt-cable-protection-amid-reports-of-damage-attempts [xvi] Kalis (2024) op.cit. [xvii] ERR (2025) “Opposition submits no-confidence motion against prime minister” ERR.ee, 11.02.2025 16:25. [xviii]環境面も含めた中国のバルト諸国への影響力工作については(About China’s influence operations in the Baltic countries, including environmental aspects.),Nichols, Katherine, Sanda Svetoka, Edward Lucas, Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova, Egle Klekere, Viking Bohman (2022) China’s Influence in the Nordic-Baltic Information Environment: Latvia and Sweden, NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence; Bērziņa-Čerenkova, Una Aleksandra, and Tanya Lim (2024) Climate- and Environmentally Based Information Activities by PRC and Russian Media, NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence. [xix] Cf Nakamura, Hiroko, Kan Sichao, Takahiro Nagata, Yoshiaki Shibata (2024) Challenges and solutions to deploying floating offshore win power in Japan, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan; Alkousaa, Riham, Christoph Steitz and Nina Chestney (2024) Chinese wind turbine-makers move into Europe as trade tensions flare, Reuters, July 19, 202410:12 PM GMT+9. [xx] Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania (2025) Minister Budrys in Latvia: Baltic States are an Example of Energy Independence for Europe. MFA Lithuania, News 2025-01-09