2022.03.15 (火)


イスラエル月間 | #10, #11: 連続講読セミナー「『ゾハルの書』における神秘と解釈」


* 日時:
2022年3月15日(火)17:00-18:30 日本時間(10:00-11:30イスラエル時間)
2022年3月16日(水)17:00-18:30 日本時間(10:00-11:30イスラエル時間)

* 開催形態:Zoom
* 使用言語:英語(同時通訳なし)
* 参加費:無料/要事前申込
* 本ウェビナーは、「イスラエル月間@東大駒場リサーチキャンパス」の一環として開催されます。詳細はこちらをご確認ください。







Secrecy and Hermeneutics in the Zohar

In this seminar we will read together several passages from the portion "Sava de-Mishpatim," one of the literary climaxes in the Book of Zohar. Set in the narrative framework of an encounter of two Sages with a Sava ("an old man"), "Sava de-Mishpatim" deals with a plethora of Kabbalistic mysteries, all of which are organized as a traditional interpretation of Scripture (midrash). This unit is dedicated to defining (and challenging) the realms of mystical interpretation of the Bible. Also, it develops a particular discussion on the Soul, its mystical relation to the Divine, and eschatology.
During the sessions, we will dive into the mystery of the book of the Zohar. We will gradually become familiar with the characteristics of the book and acquire the first tools for reading the text.
We will use the recent English translation of Prof. Daniel Matt (Pritzker Edition). Those who would like to tackle the original text (in Aramaic) are most welcome. As background and preparation, it is worth glancing at the beginning of Parashat Mishpatim (Exodus XXI-XXIII) and reading more closely Ex. XXIII:1-19. Together with the Sava, let us begin an extraordinary journey to the heart of the world of Kabbalah.

Dr. Avishai Bar-Asher, Lecturer at the Department of Jewish Thought, the Faculty of Humanities, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Avishai’s research interests include, among others, reception theory, textual study and intellectual history in the field of Jewish mysticism and esotericism in the Middle Ages. His first book, the critical edition of Moses de León's Sefer Mishkan ha-Edut, is a philological and historical study on one of the writings composed by the important Castilian kabbalist, who could arguably be considered as the central figure responsible for the composition and early diffusion of the main part of Sefer ha-Zohar. His recent book Journeys of the Soul Concepts and Imageries of Paradise in Medieval Kabbalah covers the most decisive period in the history of Jewish imagination on the Garden of Eden and offers a comprehensive analysis of paradigms, traditions, texts, and polemics therein. Avishai also serves as the head of the Program in Jewish Studies.

* 主催:ROLES(RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies 東大先端研・創発戦略研究オープンラボ)
* 後援:駐日イスラエル大使館
* 問い合わせ先:東京大学先端科学技術研究センター グローバルセキュリティ・宗教分野事務室:office@me.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp
ROLES(RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies 東大先端研・創発戦略研究オープンラボ)は、駐日イスラエル大使館の後援で、2021年に「イスラエル・ウィーク」を開催しました。2022年は、日本とイスラエルの国交樹立70周年にあたります。2022年の「イスラエル月間@東大駒場リサーチキャンパス」では、日本・イスラエル関係、イスラエル・アラブ諸国関係、グリーンテック、ブロックチェーンとその政策的含意、気候変動などに関する多種多様なテーマを取り上げたウェビナーを開催します。また、ユダヤ教思想と、それを世界各地の諸宗教伝統と共に考察するセミナー・講演を、エルサレム=ヘブライ大学等の最新鋭・最先端の研究者を招聘して、連続開催します。