Videos / Podcasts

2022 / 04 / 30 (土)

Webinar “Shaping the Future of the Japan-US Alliance” with Zack Cooper

Webinar “Shaping the Future of the Japan-US Alliance” with Zack Cooper

In this period of change, the Japan-US alliance faces new challenges and uncertainties that require more innovative strategies and readiness. 
How is the Indo-Pacific security environment changing? What are the new and emerging threats and vulnerabilities for the US-Japan alliance? What are the gaps in perceptions and expectations between the US and Japan? In what ways do the US and Japan need to change to strengthen the alliance?

This webinar aims to discuss the new and emerging challenges for the Japan-US alliance and the new steps that need to be taken.

Speaker: Dr. Zack Cooper, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
Moderator & Discussant: Ryo Hinata-Yamaguchi, Project Assistant Professor, RCAST, the University of Tokyo and Executive Director of ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies)一部を表示