2021.01.22 (Fri.)


New Great Game for the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa: RCAST Security Webinar Series #1

ROLES-IGSDA Joint Seminars/Webinars
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RCAST is pleased to announce the launch of a new webinar series “RCAST Security Webinar” organized by ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies) headed by Prof. Satoshi Ikeuchi.

As part of this RCAST Security Webinar, ROLES and IGSDA (Institute for Global Security and Defense Affairs, Abu Dhabi and Cairo) will jointly organize a series of webinars collectively entitled “Geopolitical Dynamism in the Wider Middle East Region.”

The first webinar “New Great Game for the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa” will be held on Friday January 22, 2021 on the emerging geopolitics of the Red Sea and Horn of Africa.

The event is preceded by a remark on the recent GCC rapprochement and its strategic repercussions on the wider region by Dr. Sayed Ghoneim, Senior Strategist and Chairman of the IGSDA.

Three distinguished speakers from the Middle East and Europe will take turn in their analyses on the situation in the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa and then move to a roundtable discussion. Leading experts from Japan on the Middle East and Africa will join the discussion.

The discussion will be open to invitees and a limited member of public. Presentations and discussions are held in English and no interpretations are provided.  

RCAST Security Webinar Series #1
“New Great Game for the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa”

15:00-15:20 (Japan Time; -5 in Abu Dhabi; -7 in Cairo; -8 in Paris)
Introductory Remark on the recent development in the Gulf, particularly Saudi-Qatari rapprochement
Chair and Speaker: Sayed Ghoneim, Senior Strategist and Chairman, Institute of Global Security and Defense Affairs (IGSDA)

15:20-16:20 Presentations on “New Great Game for the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa”
(1) Marc Lavergne, Emeritus Professor at the Department of Arab and Mediterranean Studies, University of Tours and Emeritus Head Researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research
(2) Eric Michiels, Defense Attaché of Belgium, NATO and EU to GCC countries, Abu Dhabi
(3) Sayed Ghoneim, Senior Strategist and Chairman, Institute of Global Security and Defense Affairs (IGSDA), Abu Dhabi/Cairo

Roundtable Discussion
Moderator: Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor of Religion and Global Security, RCAST, the University of Tokyo and Head of the ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies)

This seminar is jointly organized by ROLES (RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies) of the University of Tokyo and IGSDA (Institute for Global Security and Defense Studies).

This is part of the RCAST Security Webinar supported by RCAST, the University of Tokyo.

This is partially funded by the research project “Japan’s Choices in the Era of Inter-Regime Competition: Policy Proposals and Information Sharing based on Long-term Scenario Planning in Search for the Proactive Role in the Emergence of the New International Order” funded by MOFA of Japan’s research grant.

Categories: Open to members of The University of Tokyo and to Invitees

For registration and enquiries, please e-mail office@me.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp

* The link to the Zoom event will be e-mailed to the registered participants on Thursday, January 21.