[To English Announcement]研究会「自由・民主主義分析の実証的方法と応用」の待鳥聡史座長(京都大学大学院法学研究科教授)と、竹中治堅委員(政策研究大学院大学教授)が、2025年1月31日(ニューヨーク現地時間)に、コロンビア大学ウェザーヘッド東アジア研究所主催のワークショップで、研究会で行ったサーヴェイ実験の成果報告を行います。本サーヴェイ実験は研究会委員の大村華子・京都大学大学院法学研究科教授の主導で実施されました。
"Public Expectations of Government Responses to Security Contingencies Around Japan in a Changing International Environment"January 31, 2025
12:00 - 2:00 (PM ET)
Venue: School of International and Public Affairs, 420 West 118th Street, Room 918, New York, NY 10027
Satoshi Machidori, Professor of Political Science, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University, Japan
Harukata Takenaka, Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies = GRIPS, Japan
Amy Catalinac, Associate Professor of Politics, NYU
Kenneth Mori McElwain, Visiting Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Columbia University
This workshop will host two scholars who will speak on Japanese public attitudes toward possible geopolitical contingencies in the light of changing international environment in East Asia. Their new, large-scale survey experiment examines voter assessments of possible government responses to security crises, including a possible Taiwan contingency. The report also analyzes how perceptions of shared ethnicity may affect public reactions to a hypothetical threat from a democratic regime, expanding the research on the relationship between ethnicity and democratic peace. This research is part of a multi-year study project by ROLES (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies, University of Tokyo).
This event is hosted by the Weatherhead East Asian Institute and co-sponsored by China and the World Program and APEC Study Center.