2025.04.07 (Mon.)


RCAST Security Seminar "Changing the Equations of Balance of Power and Influence in the new Middle East"

ROLES-IGSDA Joint Seminars/Webinars
RCAST Security Seminar
"Changing the Equations of Balance of Power and Influence in the new Middle East"

Date: April 7, 2025, 13:30-15:30 (JST)

RCAST Building 3, M2F floor, Seminar Room-1
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST)
The University of Tokyo (Komaba Research Campus)
[Campus Access Map] [Google Map]

Format: In-person
Language: English
Participation: Please register from here

Satoshi IKEUCHI, Professor of Religion and Global Security, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) of the University of Tokyo and Founding Chair of the ROLES

Keynote Speech
"Changing the Equations of Balance of Power and Influence in the new Middle East"
MG (ret.) Dr. Sayed Ghoneim, Chairman, Institute of Global Security and Defense Affairs (IGSDA)

Topics of the keynote speech:
1. The Israeli-Iranian conflict
2. The new Syria and the Israeli-Turkish escalation
3. Developments in the Israeli conflict in Gaza, Lebanon and Yemen
4. Annexation and the future of the Palestinian issue
5. Trump 2.0 Policy on the Middle East
6.  The Influence of Middle Eastern States in the Age of Trans-Atlantic Divide

"Role of Artificial Intelligence in War and Conflicts"
Eng. Mohamed Saieed, CEO of Potensia Systems

This seminar is jointly organized in cooperation with Institute of Global Security and Diffence Affairs (IGSDA) of Abu Dhabi, UAE.