2022.02.27 (日)


イスラエル月間 | #5 & #6 連続講義「ヘブライ語聖書研究・序論:4つのパースペクティブ」




2022年2月27日(日)午後9時から午後10時半 日本時間
2022年2月28日(月)午後9時から午後10時半 日本時間
* 開催形態:Zoom
* 使用言語:英語(同時通訳なし)
* 参加費:無料/要事前申込
* 本ウェビナーは、「イスラエル月間@東大駒場リサーチキャンパス」の一環として開催されます。詳細はこちらをご確認ください。






Four Perspectives on the Hebrew Bible:
Introduction to the Lecture Series "The Hebrew Bible: Topics in Modern Research"

Speaker: Dr. Naphtali Meshel,  Senior Lecturer at the Department of Bible and the Department of Comparative Religion of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Coordinator: Dr. Koji Yamashiro, Project Researcher of the Division of Religion and Global Security at the RCAST of the University of Tokyo

Part 1: Sunday, February 27, 2022, 21:00-22:30 (Japan Time); 14:00-15:30(Israel Time)
Part 2: Monday, Febuary 28, 2022, 21:00-22:30 (Japan Time); 14:00-15:30 (Israel Time)
* Venue: Zoom­­­­
* Language: English
* Registration: No charge. Advance registration required.
Please contact to: koji.yamashiro@gmail.com


These two meetings are aimed at exploring the four primary perspectives that will be employed during the lecture series "The Hebrew Bible: Topics in Modern Research," which is planned to be held at the RCAST of the University of Tokyo during the coming summer/autumn of 2022.

Perspectives exposed here are:

1. "Pre-history", whereby the reader is interested primarily in the traditions that the original audiences of the text are presumed to have been known, and to which the Biblical text responds.

2. "Reading between the seams", whereby the reader aims to identify, analyze and understand the smaller units that comprise the text in its present form, and the process of their interweaving into a single text.

3. "Center and Periphery", whereby the reader aims to identify a Biblical text as central or peripheral within the ancient Israelite cultures (and specific schools of thought) that produced it.

4. "Post-history," whereby the reader alternately "tries on spectacles" worn by the early Jewish (and Christian) readers of the Hebrew Bible, and then removes them.

The first meeting will demonstrate, very briefly, each of these reading techniques; the second meeting will apply them to a selected text.

Dr. Naphtali Meshel joined the Department of Bible and the Department of Comparative Religion at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2016. His research focuses on the Hebrew Bible in its ancient Near Eastern contexts, and on its early interpreters. Within the broader study of religion, he has a particular interest in Sanskrit literature. His first book, “The Grammar of Sacrifice”, examines the ancient intuition that sacrificial rituals, like languages, are governed by “grammars.” His research interests include ancient models for the “science of ritual”; systems of pollution and purification; and mechanisms of double entendre in Wisdom Literature. He previously taught at the Moscow State University for the Humanities and at Princeton University. He is currently Chair of the Department of Comparative Religion.

Dr. Koji Yamashiro is Project Researcher of the Division of Religion and Global Security at the RCAST of the University of Tokyo. He is the curator and coordinator of the research project  “Humanitas Futura: Constructing an International Research Network for the Study of Philosophy and Religion” based at the Division of Religion and Global Security of the RCAST.

* 主催:ROLES(RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies 東大先端研・創発戦略研究オープンラボ)
* 後援:駐日イスラエル大使館
* 問い合わせ先:東京大学先端科学技術研究センター グローバルセキュリティ・宗教分野事務室:office@me.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp
ROLES(RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies 東大先端研・創発戦略研究オープンラボ)は、駐日イスラエル大使館の後援で、2021年に「イスラエル・ウィーク」を開催しました。2022年は、日本とイスラエルの国交樹立70周年にあたります。2022年の「イスラエル月間@東大駒場リサーチキャンパス」では、日本・イスラエル関係、イスラエル・アラブ諸国関係、グリーンテック、ブロックチェーンとその政策的含意、気候変動などに関する多種多様なテーマを取り上げたウェビナーを開催します。また、ユダヤ教思想と、それを世界各地の諸宗教伝統と共に考察するセミナー・講演を、エルサレム=ヘブライ大学等の最新鋭・最先端の研究者を招聘して、連続開催します。