"Analysis and Remodeling of Japan’s Value-Oriented Diplomacy" Study Group

This study group will examine the role of Japan’s diplomacy in the current state of international affairs. In this era of "interstate competition" between major countries and advanced nations, especially the West and authoritarian states such as China and Russia, what kind of ideological underpinnings should Japan base its diplomacy on? This study group will examine Japan's historical developments and the nature of its value-oriented diplomacy.



Project Researcher
Ryoya ISHIMOTO is a Project Researcher at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo.
His research interests are International Relations, especially American diplomatic history, international security, and the history of U.S.-Japan security relations. 
He holds a Ph.D. from Doshisha University, Japan.


Chairperson,  Sub-unit "International Politics and Leadership"

Wataru Yamaguchi is a senior assistant professor at Teikyo University.

His research interests include history of the U.S.-Japan relations. He won the Inoki Masamichi Award for US-Japan Relations in the Sunset of the Cold War.

His Ph.D. in Political Science is from Doshisha University. He skipped his senior year of undergraduate studies and entered the Graduate School of Law at the university. He was a visiting researcher with the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University and was an assistant professor at the International Institute of American Studies, Doshisha University.


Member, Sub-unit "International Politics and Leadership"

Yuki KOMINAMI is a Research Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs.
His research interest includes Anglo-American Relations, British Diplomacy, Security Studies.

Tsukasa HOTTA

Member, Sub-unit "International Politics and Leadership"

Tsukasa HOTTA is a Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Keio University, and a Research Fellow DC1, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
His research interest includes History of International Relations, Russian Diplomatic History, Soviet Diplomatic History, International Security.


Member, Sub-unit "International Politics and Leadership"

Kikyo TAGUCHI is a Program Officer / Researcher, Japan Programme, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
Her research interest includes German Foreign and Security Policy, Japan-German Relations.


Member, Sub-unit "International Politics and Leadership"

Noriko NAKAGAWA is a Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Keio University, and a Research Fellow DC1, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
Her research interest include Japan's political and Diplomatic History.