"Information and Cognitive Domain Security" Working Group

With the revision of the National Security Strategy in 2022, the information and cognitive domains have been officially recognized as areas critical to Japan’s security. However, efforts to date remain insufficient. While Japan's information space has been protected by language barriers, the development of AI has the potential to drastically change this situation. In addition, excessive regulation of the information and cognitive domains could lead to the highly undesirable situation of controlling speech and thought, undermining the democratic nature of society that security policies are supposed to protect. Under these complicated circumstances, this working group aims to grasp the latest research trends in information and cognitive security, and offer concrete policy recommendations.



Associate Professor

Areas of Expertise:
Russian Military Thought
Russian National Security Policy
Politics and International Relations of the Former Soviet Republics
Defence Technologies

Previously, Yu has held various positions, including Assistant Analyst at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Research Fellow at Institute for Future Engineering (IFENG), Research Fellow at the National Diet Library, and also a visiting researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO RAN).

His publication in Japanese includes (in English translation titles): Russian MIlitary Strategy Today, 2021; The War in Ukraine, 2022; Okhotsk Nuclear Bastion, 2024. 

His book "Teikoku" Roshia no Chiseigaku (Geopolitics of Russian "Empire") published in 2019 was awarded Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities in that year.

Yu has presented and published extensively on national security policies and strategies of Russia and the former Soviet republics, as well as defense technologies.

Yu holds a BA in Social Sciences and a MA in Political Science from Waseda University.



Research Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs
Formerly a researcher at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation's Security Projects Group, Foreign Affairs Officer at the Office of the Strategic External Dissemination Centre, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a researcher at the Future Engineering Research Institute. He specialises in international public policy, public diplomacy, strategic communications, disinformation campaigns, media studies and soft power.



Specialised in comparative politics (party politics and elections, nationalism and ethnic issues).
Obtained PhD in 2012. He worked as an assistant at Waseda University, a JSPS Research Fellow, an assistant professor at Rikkyo University and associate professor at the Department of Policy Studies, The University of Kitakyushu before assuming his current position on April 1, 2024.


Professor, Faculty for the Study of Contemporary Society Department for the Study of Contemporary Society, Kyoto Women's University
In 2001, she was appointed assistant professor at the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University; in 2002, she was also a visiting researcher at the National Development Research Institute, National Taiwan University; in 2003, she was appointed assistant professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies; in addition, she was a visiting researcher at the Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; in 2007, she became associate professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies. In 2010, she was appointed Associate Professor at the Faculty of International Studies, Tenri University, and in 2014, Professor at the same Faculty. She specialises in comparative politics, contemporary Taiwanese politics, Sino-Taiwanese relations and East Asian political economy.


The President and CEO, Dafna Co. Ltd.
After finishing his career as a professional rugby player, he joined Dentsu Inc. For more than 10 years, he was in charge of all aspects of communications in the information and communications and retail industries. From 2011 to 2014, he also participated in the launch of a public interest foundation established to support reconstruction following the Great East Japan Earthquake, planning and promoting reconstruction assistance projects in Fukushima From 2017, he was appointed project manager responsible for developing services utilising cutting-edge technology. In 2021, he was appointed to his current position.


Project Researcher

Yuma Tanaka is a Project Researcher at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology’s Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies (ROLES), the University of Tokyo. Before joining ROLES, Yuma was an Attaché for the Political Section at the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine. He was also previously a Project Officer for the East/Central Asia and Caucasus Department at Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). He also worked as an Attaché for the Economy and Economic Cooperation Section at the Embassy of Japan in Kazakhstan through 2017 to 2020. Yuma holds a M.A. from the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Humanity and Sociology, and a B.A. from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.